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At Tunisia Marine Services? we know that insuring your boat is about protecting those unforgettable experiences, you, your family and your friends enjoy.

That’s why we’ve partnered with a specialist and agreed value policy for all boat up to 45000 DT .

If you would like further information on our exclusive insurance, contact our in-house Finance & Insurance manager:

Farouk  B H Y
Finance & Insurance Manager
+44 (0)1489 557755


- Reimbursement of rescue and assistance costs.
- Reimbursement of material damage to the boat following any navigation accident, explosion, fire or any event of force majeure.
-Coverage of material damage and bodily injury caused to third parties by the use of your boat and its accessories (anchor, chain, etc.).
-Reimbursement of withdrawal costs (in the event of grounding).
-Coverage of legal and appeal costs.
-Coverage of bodily injury suffered by the insured, crew and passengers on board and reimbursement of medical expenses.
-Compensation following the theft of the boat and/or its accessories.


Tunisia Marine Services takes the leading position in marine repair service: ship repair service, yacht repair, vessel repairs. With many years of experience, we seize our clients’ meanings at once and always meet their requirements. And what is the most important, all procedures and approaches we apply are in total compliance with European and international standards for environmental protection, safety, and quality.

  • We make your Boat repair more convenient for you
  • We are a friendly and professional group of people
  • We handle a wide range of boat services
  • Same day service for most repairs and maintenance
  • We get the job done right — the first time


  • A la carte packages

    Guarantee packages:
    Basic guarantees
    The “Essential” Pack Coverage of all risks
    The “Premium” Pack Optional guarantees on the “Essential” pack
    and à la carte formulas: it’s up to you to put together your package of guarantees and choose the levels of cover.

  • A suitable cover your sailing habits

    Coverage in territorial or international waters according to your navigation certificate.

    Annual or temporary coverage depending on your usage habits (permanent or seasonal)

    Guaranteed afloat or in the hold, in warehouse or during transport

  • Subscription documents

    National identity card

    Valid navigation certificate

    Purchase invoice (if new acquisition)

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